To access a glossary of psychoanalytic terms when reading an article, follow the steps below:
On the homepage: in the right-hand side panel there is an Info Card folder labeled ‘Glossary terms’. Note, you must be logged in to view the Info Cards, including ‘Glossary terms’.

To use this function: First, open an article so it is displayed in the central reading panel, then click on the ‘Glossary terms’ Info Card in the right-hand side panel. It will open and display a list of psychoanalytic terms that are to be found in the current article.

The glossary terms showing in the Info card are hyperlinked – if you click on a word or term a pop-up window will open in the center of the screen showing the consolidated glossary entries for that particular term. Within the pop-up window, other associated glossary terms are hyperlinked and will take you to their relevant glossary entries. To close the glossary and return to the article, in the pop-up window click on the ‘Close’ button or the ‘x’ in the top right corner.

If you cannot immediately see the ‘Glossary terms’ Info card in the right-hand side panel, please check your ‘Preferences’ settings. To do this, click on the User Menu – the ‘Person’ icon on the main top toolbar (to the right) – and from the dropdown box that appears click on ‘Preferences’.

A menu box will appear in the center of the screen – on the right-hand side is a list of all the PEP ‘Info cards’. Select/unselect the button next to ‘Glossary terms’. Remember to click ‘Done’ to confirm your selection.

If you are accessing PEP via an institutional subscription, you will need to register for a free personal PEP account in order to have access to your own ‘Preferences’ settings and to the range of Info cards. Find out more about registering for a free account here.
Please note that when viewing articles, links to the glossary are now exclusively accessed via the ‘Glossary terms’ Info card in the right-hand side panel.
Read more about the PEP consolidated glossary.